So you have this amazing clean slate... What would you do with it all? Pretend you don't have to bring anything with you that you already have- not unless you want to!

Would you go with a clean Greige look?

Would you go Parisian modern eclectic bohemian?

Kelly Hoppen's Modern Luxury?

Well traveled black and white?

Dark and Moody?

Clean artistic masculine?

Greige transitional?
So many questions... Well which would you choose and which style do you think it will have in the next movie? I am sure they must be putting it in the next movie right? It was such a major player in the last.

Would you go with a clean Greige look?

Would you go Parisian modern eclectic bohemian?

Kelly Hoppen's Modern Luxury?

Well traveled black and white?

Dark and Moody?

Clean artistic masculine?

Greige transitional?
So many questions... Well which would you choose and which style do you think it will have in the next movie? I am sure they must be putting it in the next movie right? It was such a major player in the last.
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